Should I retake my assessment?

Should I retake my assessment?

This is a question we are asked fairly often. We do not encourage retakes, however, as studies have shown that the results of the 5 Dynamics Starting Point assessment are largely consistent over time (more info on this is provided below). Ultimately, we see it as a business decision for your organization, as the retake would use an additional license.

Logistically, the process does require that the existing profile first be deleted (not recoverable) before a person can be invited again. Just to be perfectly clear, removing current profiles is a permanent delete—there is no reverting back to these profiles once they are deleted.

We hope this is useful to informing your decision. If needed, contact your internal Simpli5 program manager to discuss further.

Here is more information on why we discourage retakes:
* The assessment doesn’t measure competencies, skills, or behaviors. Rather, it seeks to measure the brain’s innate pattern of pathways that it follows when approaching any task. We’re not saying a person’s brain is “fixed” by any means, but even as we improve ourselves over time, the underlying “how” of how we look at the world remains mostly constant.

* In other words, because of what the assessment is actually measuring in each person, results have proven to be largely consistent over time. This was done through a number of statistical studies to prove validity and reliability.

* That said, people can sometimes experience slight shifts in their results—especially when going through times of personal stress that may affect brain chemistry—but, given time, most people return to their Energetic baseline.

* Also, due to the nature of the assessment, we are more likely—whether consciously or subconsciously—to skew the results of a retake to what we perceive as a more favorable representation of ourselves.

* Therefore, we must be careful not to create false assumptions or logical fallacies based on any differences between two attempts.
In sum, we would suggest that, under ideal conditions, the results of a retake will be very consistent with your original profile;  ultimately, however, this is a business decision for your unit or organization. If needed, contact your internal Simpli5 program manager to discuss further.
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