Export Members and Bulk Delete

Export Members and Bulk Delete

At the Members tab on the Administration page, two new functions have been added:
  1. Export Members. Download a CSV file of all org members who have accepted an invitation and set up a Simpli5 profile.
  2. Bulk Delete. Upload a list of members to delete as one batch.

Export Members function

When you tap the Export Members link, a CSV file of all members with a profile in your org will be created. Depending on your browser’s settings, it may automatically download or prompt you to open or save the file.

The data in the file will be organized by headings “first_name”, “last_name”, and “email”; CSV (Comma Separated Values) files can be viewed and updated using a variety of software programs.

You can use the Export Members function to prepare for a Bulk Delete. Download the members list, remove from this file the names of everyone who you want to keep in your org (i.e., the remaining list will be those you want to remove), and be sure to maintain the file as a CSV file type when saving your changes.

If you use a Mac, you may need to "Save As..." and choose "Windows Comma Separated (.csv)" or a similarly named option.

Bulk Delete function

When you tap the Bulk Delete link, a window will appear (right). Tap the Browse button to find and select the CSV file on your local computer.

A valid Bulk Delete file must be CSV file type (Comma Separated Values) with these specific headings in the first three columns: “first_name”, “last_name”, and “email” (case sensitive).

If you need to delete more than 499 people from your org in one batch, then use multiple files.

Once selected, the file name will appear next to the Browse button and the Delete button can now be selected in the bottom-right corner of the Bulk Delete window.

Tap the Delete button to submit your request.

As a hard delete, if any person later returns to your organization, then they will need to be reinvited and will have to retake the Starting Point assessment.

When you submit the request, request, a popup will confirm the emails of all profiles that were successfully removed.

If any errors occurred, these emails will be listed at the bottom of the window below the "Success" list.
An error can occur either when the email address does not exist in your org or if you attempt to delete your own profile.

Tap the Done button to return to the Administration page.

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