Getting Started in Simpli5®
Getting Started
You will receive an email invitation to join your organization’s network in the Simpli5® platform.
- This automated, system-generated email comes from, with the subject line "Simpli5 Invitation." You may need to check your spam or junk mail folder if you do not receive the email.
- Note the name of your local administrator who issued the invitation. You may need to contact that person directly if you need help to resolve certain issues, specified below.
- Tap the Accept/Decline Invitation link to automatically open our Simpli5 platform in your default browser. The first thing you should see is a popup message asking if you want to accept or decline the invitation. Tap Accept to proceed to the Setup Profile screen.
You will first be prompted to enter your basic profile information. All fields are required.
- If your name was misspelled, you should be able to correct it in the First and Last Name fields.
- Your pronoun preference will be used in all 3rd person content about you (e.g., your teammates reading about how best to work with you through a task or project).
- Enter and confirm your password. On-screen prompts will provide specific feedback on password requirements, but you can read more below in Password Specifications.
- Select from the pulldown menu your preferred language to use to complete the Starting Point Assessment. All other Simpli5 content is presented in English.
- Mark the Agree to Terms checkbox. Click the Terms of Use link to review the full document first.
- Once you enter information in each field and click the Agree to Terms checkbox, then the Save button becomes active. Tap Save to complete this step.
- The next screen will prompt you to complete the 5 Dynamics® Starting Point assessment. This is the final step to create your energy profile.
If you already have a profile listed under a different email address, use the Login link to log in to your existing profile. If you do not see the new organization to which you were invited, contact the administrator (the person named in your invitation) to request a new invitation be issued using the email address associated with your profile.
If you already have a
Simpli5 Relationships account, use Link Account to create your corporate profile using your Relationships results. You will skip the next step of completing the assessment and be taken directly to the My 5 Dynamics page.
Password Specifications
- Your login ID is the email address where you received the invitation.
- Passwords must have a minimum of 6 characters and include at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, one numerical digit, and one special character: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + .
Login URL
Supported Browsers
JavaScript and cookies must be enabled on any browser in order for the site and its features to work properly. Cookies are used only to navigate between pages, never to track what you’re doing on or away from our site.
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