I need help creating or updating a team

I need help creating or updating a team

Teams Main Page

No matter your role in the organization or what type of team you find yourself on, you have the ability to create a team profile and view additional information on how that combination of people will work together.

The Teams main page is divided according to four types of teams to which an individual may have access:
  1. My Private Teams. These teams were created by you and are only visible to you. You can share these teams with the other team members by publishing the team.
  2. My Published Teams. These teams were created by you and have been shared with the other team members on that team.
  3. Teams Created by Others. These teams include you as a team member but were not created by you. The team owner published the team to all the team members.
  4. Corporate Teams.  These teams have been shared with the entire network by your organization's leadership team. You may or may not be a member on these teams.
See Team Visibility Settings below for more information on the different visibility settings.
If you are the owner of a team, then you will also see the option to Delete Team to the right of your team’s name.
The Delete Team function will immediately remove the team without asking for a confirmation. If you accidentally delete a team, then you will have to recreate it using the steps outlined below.

Create a New Team

Tap the New Team button in the top-right corner of the Teams panel to open the Create Team panel. This panel requires you to provide this information:
  • Team Name and Team Description will appear on the Teams panel. This information should be distinct from all other teams to help you easily select it when needed. These are both required fields.
  • Team Owner is you as the creator. Multiple people can create their own version of the same team.
  • Team Members can be selected from your network. If needed, you can narrow down the results by using the Filter immediately above the Network box. This filter works the same as other search functions in the platform (by name and by email).
If a name in the Network column does not have a plus (+) to add that person to the team, then the person either 1) has not yet completed the assessment or 2) has set his or her profile to private. Find that person on the Network page to confirm the situation.
There is no limit to how many members you can add to a team. The sky is the limit!
Once you have entered the required information and selected at least one team member, then the Done button can be selected; tap this button to save your new team. You will be returned to the Teams panel, where the team you created will now be listed.
By default, all new teams are set as Private. See Team Visibility Settings below for more information on changing visibility settings.

Update an Existing Team

If you need to make changes to an existing team where you are the team owner, first tap the team name in the Teams panel to open that team's main page. In the Team Overview panel, you will see the team name and description, the current number of team members, and yourself listed as the team owner. As owner, you will also see links to Edit Picture for the team and to Edit Team Detail below the team name and, at the bottom of this panel, the options to change the visibility settings for the team.
Only the Team Owner can make membership changes to their version of a team. We suggest each team has one published "official" version, to avoid confusion from multiple copies appearing under team members' "Teams Created by Others" list.
It is not required that the team leader has to be the Team Owner to maintain the "official" version of the team (e.g., to make updates as membership changes, etc.). Anyone whom you designate can publish and maintain the team.
Be aware that the Team Owner cannot be reassigned (see Edit Team Detail, below), so if this maintenance role needs to be reassigned, the current Team Owner can delete the published "official" team and the new Owner can create and publish the new version. Depending on the timing of these two actions, this change should be relatively transparent to team members.

Edit Team Picture

In the Team Overview panel on the team's main page, tap Edit Picture to upload a profile picture for the team; JPG or PNG images files, up to 1 MB in size, are accepted. After selecting an image, you can drag and/or zoom to adjust the image to your satisfaction. You can remove the team’s profile picture or repeat this process with a new image at any time.

Edit Team Detail

To make changes to the team’s information or membership, tap the Edit Team Detail link, directly below the team name in the Team Overview panel. This link will open the Edit Team panel.

Here we can change the Team Name or Description, and remove or add individuals to the Team Membership. These functions work the same as in the Create a New Team function.
Team content is customized based on the combined energy profiles of all team members. If team membership changes, don’t forget to review the team reports and resources for more information about how those changes have affected Team Dynamics.
While the Team Owner cannot be reassigned, anyone can create their own version of a team, as long as all team members are sharing their profiles with that person.

Once all edits are made, tap Done in the bottom-right corner of the panel to save your changes.

Team Visibility Settings

There are three levels of team visibility: draft, published, and public.
  • Draft. The default when creating a new team is Draft, which means that only you as team owner can see this team. This option is convenient if you are still in the early stages of team formation or if you want to try out different “what-if” team scenarios before sharing the team with others.
  • Published. When you are ready to share a team view with the members of the team, tap the Publish Team button at the bottom of the Team Overview panel. At this point the team will appear in the Teams Created by Others list of every team member. (However, the team is still private, or not visible, to the rest of your organization's network. This Private status is listed below the team's description on the Teams panel.)
Members of the team are not notified when you publish a team.
Once a team is Published, there is no way to revert it to Draft. If you need to remove all members’ visibility to the team, you will have to delete the team and create a new draft team.
  • Public. Your organization’s administrators have an additional option to change their teams from private to Make Team Public, for everyone in the network to see (e.g., to reflect the company directory or org chart). Public teams will appear on the Corporate Teams list in the Teams panel. This Public status is listed below the team's description.
For information on team reports and resources, see I need help working with a team.
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