To learn more about a team listed in the main Teams panel, tap the team name to open that team's main page.
The Team page includes the Team Overview panel, Team Energy panel, and Team Reports and Resources. Here is a brief description of each section:
Team Overview panel lists the team name and description, the current number of team members, and the team owner. If you are the team owner, then you will also see options to Edit Team Detail and to change the Team Visibility Settings.
Team Energy panel contains a table of each member’s energy, an Energy Map with an overlay of the team’s average energy, and an option to create a team spider graph.
Team Reports and Resources include the standard reports Team Dynamics (team) and Working Together (pairs) and the Name Badges, Tent Cards, and Learning Charts resources. Tap any of the module boxes to open that report or resource.
Team Energy Panel
The Team Energy panel contains a table of each member’s energy, with the team average listed in the first row. Tap the column headers to sort the table by members’ first names. If needed, a scroll bar will appear to let you scan through all team members.
Also in this panel is an Energy Map with an overlay of the team’s average energy (purple outline). You can tap team members’ names in the table to show their Energy Map and how each individual compares to the team average.
On a desktop or laptop, hover the cursor over an Energy balloon in the table to see a popup of that Energy’s intensity level. Hover between balloons to see the full Energy pattern.
On a mobile or tablet, select a person’s name and check the Energy Map legend to see that person’s full Energy pattern.
Team Spider Graph
At the bottom of the Team Energy panel is the option to create a spider graph as an alternative view of the team’s energy. Tap the button to open the Generate Spider Graph tool.
The Generate Spider Graph popup is the interface to select team members to include in the spider graph. Note the instructions and limitations provided near the top of the panel.
If a person’s profile is not available to be added, a label of “Private Profile” or “Assessment pending” clarifies the reason.
You can create an unlimited number and combination of spider graphs as needed.
If desired, select the
Include Team Average checkbox to show it as an additional line on the spider graph; however, note this is the average of
all team members, not just those included for the current spider graph.
Once you have selected all the desired team members, tap the Create button in the bottom-right corner of the panel to open this spider graph.
The Spider Graph panel shows the graph created in the previous step and a review of what each Energy contributes to the team’s efforts.
The Spider Graph is interactive. Hover over (desktop) or tap (mobile) a name or graph line to highlight that individual in the graph.
The Spider Graph panel also has three buttons in the top-right corner to download PDFs of the files listed below to your local computer. These ad hoc resources are not stored on the platform but can be recreated on demand.
Energy Map. Creates a ZIP folder containing a PNG image file of the Energy Map for each person included in the spider graph; this file will be emailed to you on creation (usually within 5 minutes).
Overview Report. Creates a ZIP folder containing a brief working style overview for each person included in the spider graph; this file will be emailed to you on creation (usually within 5 minutes).
Download PDF. Creates a static PDF of the spider graph shown in the panel; depending on your browser settings, this file may either automatically open in a new tab or prompt you for an action.
Team Content
The standard team content are Team Dynamics, Leading the Team, Working Together (pair), and 1:1 Leadership (pair). Tap a module box to interact with that module; in the pair content, first specify the two partners to generate the content.
Team Resources
Each team's main page also provides three additional resources. Each resource uses the same
Select Team Member interface as described for multiple functions listed above.
If a person’s profile is not available to be added, a label of “Private Profile” or “Assessment pending” clarifies the reason.
These ad hoc resources are not stored on the platform but are downloaded to your local computer and can be recreated on demand. You can create an unlimited number and combination of these resources:
Name Badges. Recommended multiples of 6, up to 24 badges per file; file output prints to Avery 3x4 inch (6 to a page) or compatible labels.
Tent Cards. Recommended multiples of 3, up to 24 tents per file. Not traditional tent cards! Recommended to print on cardstock, cut horizontally between tents and, to stand up, fold each tent between the two Energy Maps.
Learning Charts. Up to 100 team members per file. Maximum of 10 profiles per double-sided page; multiple pages are created automatically when needed. Members are listed in the order which they are selected. Repeat as needed for additional pages of team members.
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