Organizational Hygiene (spring cleaning)
Q: How can we do some
“spring cleaning” in our Simpli5 account?
A: There are probably two main areas where you want to perform some hygiene at the Administration page: the Sent Invitations tab or the Members tab.
Cleaning up the Sent Invitations list
- What is the Sent Invitations list?
- Whenever you invite a new person to join your organization, a record of this invitation is added to this list--with the status of "Pending"--for your convenience in tracking that person's invitation status.
- When the person accepts the invitation to create a new profile, then their name is removed from this list.
- Why are some invitations listed as "Expired" or "Declined"?
- If the person does not respond to the invitation for 30 days, or actively declines the invitation, then the status changes to "Expired" or "Declined," respectively.
- The invitation record remains on this list to provide you with a one-click convenience of reissuing a new
invitation to that person without having to repeat the "Invite People"
- Do I get the license back when I delete an expired or declined invitation?
- When the invitation changes from "Pending" to either "Expired" or "Declined," then immediately that license is returned to your "Licenses Available" pool.
- If you ever need to invalidate a "Pending" invitation, you may notice that "Licenses Available" increases by one in that moment.
- How do I find the "Pending" invitations in a long list that includes many "Expired" and "Declined" invitations?
- You can narrow the list by name or email using the "Find an Invitation" filter above the list.
- Best practice is periodically to remove any unneeded invitations with a status of "Expired" or "Declined" to remove this extra noise from the list.
- To invalidate any invitation, use the Invalidate Invitation button "(-)" to the right of "Send New Invitation."
Removing Members No Longer with Your Organization
The link above opens our knowledge base article with full instructions on using these features; however, here is a suggested best practice on how best to leverage these features:
- At the "Members" tab of the Administration page, click "Export Members" to download a CSV file of every member with a profile in your Simpli5 organization.
- Cross-reference this list to your organization's HR database, or equivalent, to identify anyone no longer with your organization. The Export Members file includes name, email address, creation date of Simpli5 profile, and department (if an Account Administrator defined it in Simpli5) to aid with the cross-reference.
- Update the CSV file to only include those who need to be deleted from your account. See the instructions in the above link to make sure you are saving your file in the proper format.
- At the "Members" tab of the Administration page, click "Bulk Delete" to submit your request to delete up to 499 members at a time. All members in the file will be automatically and permanently removed. Your "spring cleaning" is now complete.

This is a hard delete of profiles from our database. We strongly recommend you double-check your file before using "Bulk Delete" to confirm that the list only includes profiles you need to remove.
If you have any questions about the process not answered in this or the referenced articles, email us at or submit a Desk ticket.
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