You have been designated as an Account Administrator for your organization. This role empowers you to the day-to-day administration, namely: inviting new people, sending or scheduling reminder invitations, and removing any unneeded people from the organization. If you are not the best person—long term—for this role, then we are happy to upgrade and onboard someone else; just have that person contact us at to get started.
If you are new to Simpli5®, you will receive an email, subject line “Simpli5 Invitation” from, to join your organization's network. If you did not receive this email, please search your spam folder for the subject line or sender provided above. The link in the email will walk you through the process of activating your profile.
Simpli5® Help Desk (User Guides)
If you have any technical difficulties, the platform has been verified on the browsers and versions listed on the link above. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled on any browser in order for the site and its features to work properly. Cookies are used only to navigate between pages, never to track what you’re doing on or away from our site.
We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your
continued success and satisfaction.