Administrator FAQs
What do the numbers on the Administration page mean?
The org summary panel on the Administration page lists some basic information about your account; these numbers are provided in the panel: Pending invitations. Invitation that was sent within the last 30 days and hasn't yet been used to create a new ...
What does "Assessment pending" mean?
Q: What does it mean when "Assessment pending" appears near a person's name and what do I do next as an Administrator? A: The "Assessment pending" tag next to a member's name (at either the Administration or Network pages) means that a person ...
When is a license used?
Summary When an Account Administrator invites new members to join your organization, licenses are allocated to create the invitation. If the invitation is declined or expires (after 30 days), the license is returned to your Licenses Available pool ...
Can I assign roles to another user?
Simpli5 allows Account Administrators to change the roles of any member in your organization. Available Roles Currently, these are the available roles in Simpli5: Member (default). Basic role that joins the user to your organization. This role cannot ...
Organizational Hygiene (spring cleaning)
Q: How can we do some “spring cleaning” in our Simpli5 account? A: There are probably two main areas where you want to perform some hygiene at the Administration page: the Sent Invitations tab or the Members tab. Cleaning up the Sent Invitations list ...