Simpli5 Meetings

Simpli5 Meetings

What Is Simpli5 Meetings?

Bite-sized, personalized Simpli5 content designed to make your meetings more productive and sent directly to your inbox.


To use this feature, you must have a completed Simpli5 profile in an active corporate account. All your email recipients should have a Simpli5 profile in your organization or through our Relationships product. To learn more about fulfilling these requirements, contact

How Do I Use Simpli5 Meetings?

Include as a recipient in the "To" or "CC" lines of group emails or meeting invites. That's it! You will receive a reply email from Meetings containing insights and tips for yourself and for each of your recipients. 

Tips / Best Practices

  1. When scheduling a meeting, include as an attendee. As you send out the initial invite, you will receive an email with Meetings insights.
  2. If meeting attendees change, even up to minutes before your meeting, you can receive refreshed Meetings insights.
    1. Because of how most appointment software works (e.g., Outlook), you may need to first update the invitation by removing Meetings then perform a second update to re-add Meetings along with the participant changes. This change will trigger a refreshed Meetings email with the new participants.
  3. If you know some participants do not have a Simpli5 profile in your organization (e.g., you've checked the Network page for their profile), you can send them an invitation to join Relationships to give them a chance to sign up before you trigger the Meetings email. Be sure to invite them using the same email address you will use in your email or meeting invitation.


  1. If there is some problem preventing you from receiving the Meetings email, you will receive a different email describing the problem. The most common issues are that you do not have a Simpli5 corporate profile or that your Simpli5 organization is not active. To learn more about fulfilling these requirements, contact
  2. If one or more of your participants do not have a profile either in your Simpli5 organization or in our Relationships product, then this will be called out in the Meetings email. The easiest solution is to ask them to complete a Relationships profile and then for you to send the email again to receive the insights.
  3. If the Meetings email says a participant does not have a Simpli5 profile in your organization but you're sure that the person does, then likely the email address you used for that person does not match the one used in the Simpli5 org. You can confirm the correct email address to use by checking the Network page for that person's profile.
    1. If their email address has changed since they were invited to Simpli5, they can update their email address before you try again to request the Meetings insights.
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